2017 Indiana Severe Weather Preparedness Week
March 19 is the beginning for the 2017 Indiana Storm Preparedness Week and to kick thing off here's a short post about what you can do to prepare for what is already starting out to an active winter/spring severe weather season.
The National Weather Service puts on Spotter Training presentation across Indiana and hopefully you are able to attend one that is put on near your home. I recently attended the Monroe County presentation in Bloomington during the February Bloomington Amateur Radio Club meeting on March 3rd. Dave Tucek told the 100 or so people gathered about NWS Outlooks, Watches and Warnings and how to use that information to prepare yourself and family in the event that severe weather develops. He talked at length about how to interact with NWS either by phone or social media which is playing an increasingly important role in storm spotting and helping the NWS stay informed about what is happening on the ground. I highly recommend attending a Storm Spotter Training session where you are able to get all the facts and details directly from a National Weather Service meteorologist.
Here's a link where you can check upcoming sessions NWS Indianapolis Spotter Training
Two interesting and informative products that the Indianapolis NWS produces that are the
Hazardous Weather Outlook
Local Forecast
With a little investigation and browsing you can discover that here much more that the National Weather Service provides including detailed online Severe Weather Skywarn training where you can take online quizzes to test your comprehension of the material.
Check out the 4 modules listed below here http://www.weather.gov/lmk/spottertraining
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - How The Weather Works
Module 3 - Storm Spotting
Module 4 - Information Exchange
Each day during the Indiana Severe Weather Prepardness I will blog about activities going on that day. Here are the topics the posts will cover
Sunday: Kick-Off: Discuss partners' roles in severe weather
Monday: Severe Weather Outlooks and Watches: Partners' roles at the outlook and watch stages of an event
Tuesday: Warnings: Taking action when warnings are issued (Statewide Tornado Drill Day)
Wednesday: Response: Partners' roles in responding to disasters (real-time response)
Thursday: Recovery: Partners' roles in the recovery process (days/weeks/months after disaster)
Friday: Weather Ready Nation: How we are working to build a Weather Ready Nation
Saturday: Wrap-Up: Importance of preparedness and action during threatening hazards
Working together to prepare for severe weather
Today's Severe Weather Preparedness Week post is about day one of the program the National Weather Service has put together about being prepared for severe weather and understanding the organizations that provide severe weather information and respond when severe weather strikes.
The NWS has put together an excellent document that details what you can do to be ready and the organizations standing by.
Below are a few nuggets of information but be sure to check out the whole thing here http://www.weather.gov/media/ind/PrepWeeks/Severe/SunFactsTogether.pdf
- You
- Must remain weather aware using NOAA All Hazards radio or a source relaying NWS information on TV, radio, or electronic devices
- The National Weather Service
- Provides education material on weather hazards and weather safety plans
- IDHS, State and Local Public Officials and the American Red Cross
- Plan for, exercise for, and respond to extreme weather events
- The Media
- Reports on response and recovery efforts and available assistance
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